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Author of Short Stories
where dodging bullets, bats, and horseshit, gain you some valuable insight and useful concepts!
Kim McGill
Is a creative crazy writer and a freelance type lifer with a graduate degree in literature. Her unique style of storytelling is short, to-the-point memoirs that are born of adversity and candor. Anyone familiar with Kim might enjoy –or not– a trip down memory lane, where the possibilities of you being a character in the plot could be very well explained!
Do fables grow in bullshit? Do legends sometimes stink?
Of course they do, that's why we color them in ink.
Taking short story writing to another level
First tale of each saga is free!!
$2.99 per episode
Paranormal trickery where spirits demand your attention and make you play by their rules
Fight or flight, freeze and fright, hold on to your knickers, because we’re in for a wild ride!
Running from here to there is not a destination, but a world of indifference... until its not
Tales of sorts with no title to fix. To uncover the narratives, jump into this mix
Tales of acute fears, neurotic phobias and despair, to the clout of the maladjusted
The road to freedom is paved with stupid intentions through mind altering debris
Contrary to appearance, lives the dark shadows of truth hidden in plain sight
The funny thing is, laughing at yourself is the cheapest and most effective medicine
It's a knowing, an unconscious sense. Which way will it come and which way will it end
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